- Automated COD Analysis System
- Automated BOD Analysis System
- Automated Block Digestion & Distillation System
- Automated Potentiometric Titrator
- Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- Gas Chromatography Electron Capture Detector
- Inductively Coupled Plasma- Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES)

- Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
- Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyser
- Segmented Flow Analyser (SFA)
- Microwave Digester
- Discrete Analyser
- Isokinetic Stack Sampler
- Portable Gas Analyser
- Sampling Pump
- Particulate Matter 2.5µm Sampler
- Particulate Matter 10µm Sampler
- Total Suspended Particulate High Volume Sampler
- Sound Level Meter
- Vibration Meter
- Digital Water Velocity Meter
- Anemometer & Manometer

Tekmar Atomx Automated VOC Sample Preparation System
The Atomx Automated VOC Sample Preparation system combines an Autosampler and Purge and Trap into a single instrument for the analysis of VOCs in soils and waters. This is the first of its kind and only system that employs a unique methanol extraction automation feature for high level soils in accordance with USEPA Method 5035.
Perkin Elmer Clarus
PerkinElmer delivers on your expectations with outstanding dependability, repeatability, performance and cost for everyday GC/MS applications with the Clarus 560 D GC/MS. Advanced technology and ease-of-use mean you'll maximize your uptime. Combine the Clarus 560 D GC/MS with our market-leading TurboMatrix™ sample handling, user-friendly software and world-class service for an integrated, complete analytical solution from a single source.
EasyPREP BOD 200
The BOD-200 provides users with the capability to conduct BOD, CBOD and DO analysis. Analyze CBOD in conjunction with BOD to verify if non-compliant BOD results are due to nitrification and to obtain results more reflective of real effluent quality when under nitrifying conditions.
Engineered to excel - the ICP-OES spectrometer that saves thousands, while delivering a new level of performance for routine laboratory analysis.
Sievers InnovOx Laboratory TOC Analyzer
The Sievers InnovOx Laboratory TOC Analyzer represents a true breakthrough in high TOC measurement technology and reliability.The InnovOx offers unparalleled oxidation robustness, a dynamic linear working range of 0.5 to 50,000 ppm, and calibration curve stability for TOC analysis of industrial waste and environmental or process water samples.
Hanna HI-902C2 Potentiometric Titrator with Colour LCD
The Hanna HI-902C2 Potentiometric Titrator with Colour LCD is dedicated to quick and accurate laboratory analysis. HI-902C2-02 can perform acid/base, potentiometric, ORP, complexometric, precipitation, back titrations and titre determinations. The HI-902C2-02 dispenses the titrant, detects the endpoint and performs all necessary calculations automatically.

AQ 300 - Discrete Analyzer
Discrete Analyzer is designed specifically for nutrient analysis on environmental samples. It provide the lowest detection limites and a unique design that ensures no cross contamination even when ammonia, nitrate with cadmium reduction and phenol are run together.
DigiPREP Distillation System
DigiPREP Steam Distillation System, automatic addition of: H20, NaOH, H3BO3, programmable reaction time, programmable distillation time, variable steam generating capacity, automatic removal of sample waste, store up to 99 different distillation programs, level monitoring for cannisters, connection for automatic titration unit.